I am not a morning person CrankaTsuris is something that afflicts just about everyone. Even if you happen to be a morning person, there are likely times that you are not simply because you were a late night person the day before.

The CrankaTsuris starts the moment the alarm goes off to get you out of bed. You probably do not remember setting the alarm. You may have not even set the alarm because it is some family member yelling at you to get out of bed. “Ten more minutes!” is a common request. But, you really mean ten more hours. Also, when that loving family member screams at you to get out of bed, they remind you of the very thing that you need to do, but dread doing. That is why you are staying in bed. Simple avoidance. You are also reminded of certain faults you may have. Laziness is a common one. Or, you are told you are no good for nothing. Hey, that is a double negative! It must mean that ‘I am good for everything!’, you think to yourself. Since I am good for everything, I will practice one thing that I am very good at, which is staying in bed, and going back to sleep.

Some people have a good excuse for why they are not a morning person. They have a night job. They went out to some evening event. Other people do not have the best excuse. Those people spent the evening in front of the television, eating a bucket of fried chicken, a box of bonbons, or going through a six pack of beer and four bags of chips.

The biggest problem with a good majority of these people who happen to be proud self-proclaimed “I am not a morning person!” person is that they all work at some 9-5 job. So, they have to be up in the morning whether they are a morning person or not. Also, when these people applied for that 9-5 job, they never said in their interview that they are not a morning person. The resume did not brag “Don’t expect anything good out of me till at least 2PM.” Or, “I am completely unproductive in the morning.”
All these people who happen to be up in the morning are just a walking CrankaTsuris Monster, and they all can’t stand those people who are actually morning people. Just seeing those bright cheerful people in the morning makes those Non-Morning people sick, and sometimes nasty.
Because this happens to afflict every single person on the planet, I Am Not A Morning Person CrankaTsuris should be closely looked at to see if there is some cure. Of course, you can surround yourself with others who happen to share this characteristic, and you and your partner can simply set the alarm everyday to wake up for dinner. However, most non-morning people do not have this option. So, they have to find ways to cure this Common CrankaTsuris affliction.
The problem with why people like to say that they are not morning people is because it is a time to rush. I have to get dressed. I have to catch the train. I am late. I can’t find an outfit to wear. I have to get the kids ready for school, who happen not to be morning kids.
Because it may be difficult to eliminate all of that rush is to allow each person a day when they can take their time, sip their coffee, go out for a morning walk. There should also be a day that you allow yourself to sleep in, and take it easy.
While you are giving yourself this time, it does not come without some instructive homework. The homework is that you have to take notice of the morning and see how different it is from the rest of the day. There is some relative calm outside. People are not out and about. The sun starts to rise. The colors in the sky are different. The clouds provide extra drama. The world is a crowded place, but for a moment, it is just you, and the neighbor walking the dog. And, yes. It is the time of day that people will say “Good Morning to you!”
Now, if this really does not appeal to you, you always have a choice to move to Fairbanks, Alaska in the Winter, and go down to the bottom of Chile at Tierra Del Fuego in the Summer. But, if you like the Beatles, but always wondered what songs like “Here Comes the Sun” or “Good Day Sunshine” are all about, all you need to do is take a walk outside.
You will find that even the air smells better in the morning.