
Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles PRESS RELEASE

Award-Winning Author Steven Joseph Releases New Children’s Book

Readers Are Invited into a World Where Even the Crankiest Person Can Find Happiness

For Immediate Release:

Hoboken, New JerseyAward-winning author Steven Joseph releases a new children’s book this May 3rd. Filled with outlandish humor and lively storytelling, Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles is a feel-taste-smell good story for children ages 5-10, who will surely be left wanting more.   

In a cranky world where cars run on sauerkraut, there is a new invention that will change everything: the SnoodleMobile, the brainchild of Herbie Snoodleman. Now cars are powered by noodles, and the delicious aroma produced fills everyone with happiness.   

While this is a major upgrade for society, the inventor of the KrautMobile, Sour Croodleman, is far from elated. Mr. Croodleman is furious that this newfangled pasta fad destroyed his business and the reputation of his beloved KrautMobiles, and his envy grows deeper every day. When Herbie Snoodleman unveils a flashy new art installation in the local museum, it’s the final straw, and Croodleman hatches a plan to destroy it.

The envy monster is something we all deal with at some point, and kids aren’t exempt from this experience. From being jealous of a sibling to envying the birthday kid, childhood is rife with opportunities to feel frustrated at what others have. But the happy ending of the book teaches a valuable lesson: you don’t always need to the most popular person in your group — if you have someone in your life who appreciates you for who you are and what you do, that’s the most meaningful appreciation of all.  However, perhaps for all readers, the most important lesson is this: Never be afraid to move your world!

Praised as an “adorable children’s book by Reader’s Favorite, Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles invites readers to enter a world where imagination can solve any challenge, and even the crankiest person can find happiness. The book is filled with “outlandish humor and lively storytelling”and includes beautiful, full-color pictures. In a five-star review, Booktrib raves, “Whether this book is read as a bedtime story to children, or a storytime read for the whole class, children will be able to enjoy the characters’ misadventures while also absorbing the important life lesson.” 

It is available for pre-order on Amazon

ISBN: 978-1-63755-084-7
Hardcover price: $16.95

Publisher: Mascot Kids

About the author:

Steven Joseph is an author, attorney, negotiator, and speaker. He is also a five-time Boston Marathon and 17-time NYC Marathon runner and a humorist who has spent 30 years as a partner with therapists, a lifetime of schuckling at countless synagogues, and practicing zen sitting on a cushion staring at a white wall at the Village Zendo. He is, however, a person still smart enough to know that he hasn’t figured everything out – except for crankiness. 

His first children’s book, The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris was distinguished with the Mom’s Choice Award, and his self-help book, A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The Crankatsuris Method received over 300 five-star ratings on Amazon. 


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